Project on Tripvillas-Clone

Nilesh kokate
3 min readJun 21, 2021


Two-week of dedication and hard work... 😄

We, a team of three members, have tried to clone the original website Tripvillas, during our Full Stack Web Development Course at Masai School.

Tripvillas is one of Asia’s largest Holiday Home Rental Companies where owners of private homes could create a simple profile for their property and then correspond with like-minded families who would be interested in staying in their homes as an alternative to hotels.

About the Project

Tech Stacks used:-

React js

The Design Process

  • which pages need to be cloned.
  • what functionalities need to be implemented.
  • how the schema should be designed.
  • understanding the strength and weaknesses of each other.
  • dividing the implementation part among ourselves to complete the work within the given time frame.

Some Snapshots of our project

Landing Page :

This is the landing page, where you can find a search bar, check-in, check-out, number of members, where you can search for the Homes.

Register & Login Page :

Search Page:

This is the page where you can see all the rental houses and property for your locations, you can also filter them as per your requirement. and also you can modify your search for different locations.

Holiday-Homes Details :

Booking Details :

This is the page where you can see the details of the property and request to book it.

Payment Details :

reconfirm all the details of the payment and property and agree on the terms and conditions.

Payment Card :

This is the page where you can fill in the details of your Card and book it.

User-dashboard Page:

This is the Dashboard of the user where the booked house and property of the users are displayed.

Team members:


We had to face some challenges while making the clone. Producing exact layouts was a challenge. It was difficult to make the code work in everyone’s system.
Merging codes was a great challenge. There were many merge conflicts while pushing codes to GitHub that took much of our time to resolve.
There were also some issues in the database that took a lot of effort to resolve.
Since we were not co-located, we faced some challenges in communication as well. We had to connect frequently on zoom for small issues.

Our overall experience was very good, and doing Project was the best learning of that particular technology

Demo Link

Source Code:-





Nilesh kokate

An innovative and observant full stack developer with expertise in MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.